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What glasses should wear for laser hair removal?

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What glasses should wear for laser hair removal?

1. The principles of laser hair removal mainly include the following aspects:

①. Selective photothermal effect

Laser hair removal equipment emits a laser beam of a specific wavelength that is highly selectively absorbed by the melanin in the hair. Melanin is found at the root of the hair (the region of the hair papilla and hair follicle stem cells) and in the shaft of the hair. Due to the relative lack of melanin in human skin and the high content of melanin in hair, laser can selectively act on hair while causing minimal damage to surrounding normal skin tissue.

②. Conversion of light energy into heat energy

When the laser is absorbed by the melanin in the hair, the light energy is quickly converted into heat energy. This heat energy accumulates in the hair follicle tissue at the root of the hair in a very short period of time, causing the temperature of the hair follicle to rise sharply.

③. Destroy hair follicle tissue

When the temperature of the hair follicles rises to a certain level, it will cause damage to the structure of the hair follicles. Specifically, high temperature can destroy hair follicle stem cells, dermal papilla cells and other cells closely related to hair regeneration, thereby inhibiting hair growth. For hair follicles in the growth phase, the effect of laser hair removal is particularly significant, because at this time the melanin content in the hair follicles is the highest and the absorption of laser light is also the strongest. After multiple laser treatments, hair regeneration can be gradually reduced to achieve long-lasting hair removal.

In general, laser hair removal utilizes the principle of selective photothermal action of laser to achieve hair removal effects by accurately delivering laser energy to the hair follicle tissue at the root of the hair, destroying the growth ability of the hair follicle.

2. The importance of wearing laser protective glasses for laser hair removal

①. Protect your eyes from laser damage

High-intensity lasers: The lasers used in laser hair removal have a high energy intensity. If the eyes are directly exposed to the laser, the energy of the laser may cause serious damage to different parts of the eye.

Retinal damage: Lasers can penetrate the transparent tissue of the eye and focus on the retina. High-intensity laser energy may cause retinal burns, causing vision loss or even blindness. The retina is very sensitive to light, especially to lasers of certain wavelengths, and even short exposure may cause irreversible damage.

Corneal damage: Lasers may also cause damage to the cornea. The cornea is the transparent outer layer of the eye that is responsible for focusing the light entering the eye. Lasers can cause corneal edema, inflammation, and even ulcers, affecting the transparency and vision of the eye.

②. Prevent accidental reflections and scattering

Reflection risk: During laser hair removal, the laser may be reflected from the surface of the skin or surrounding objects. Without protective glasses, these reflected lasers may accidentally enter the eye.

Scattering risk: When the laser travels through the air, scattering may occur. Scattered laser light may also cause damage to the eyes. Even weak scattered light may cause cumulative damage to the eyes under long-term or multiple exposures.

③. Comply with safety standards and regulations

Occupational safety requirements: When performing laser hair removal operations in professional places such as medical beauty, both operators and those receiving treatment need to comply with strict safety standards and regulations. Wearing laser protective glasses is one of the important measures to ensure operational safety in order to comply with occupational health and safety regulations.

Patient protection: For patients receiving laser hair removal treatment, wearing protective glasses can provide additional protection to ensure their safety during treatment. This is not only a manifestation of responsibility to patients, but also helps to reduce potential legal risks.

3.Types of laser hair removal glasses:Semiconductor laser safety glasses,  IPL safety goggles

①.Semiconductor laser safety glasses

The operating wavelength range of semiconductor lasers can usually be between 800 and 1,000 nm, such as 808nm, 980nm. These lasers are often used in laser hair removal scenarios. Safety glasses for semiconductor lasers usually use glass lenses and polycarbonate lenses, but compared with polycarbonate lenses, glass lenses also have higher OD levels and better visibility.


.IPL safety goggles

he operating wavelength range of IPL Machine can usually be between 200 and 1,800 nm. These devices are often used in laser hair removal scenarios. Safety glasses for IPL devices usually use polycarbonate sheets and have low light transmittance because IPL devices produce very glaring light.The most common type of IPL safety glasses are green. Green is the standard IPL color and is used for most applications.


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